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Education which is a life time process always makes you try to know the unknown. All humans are either deficient in one area of life to another which involves education and knowledge. Therefore, no human creature can boost knowing everything in life unless Jehovah God the creator of the universe.
Then if that is the case that no human is well equipped with all the knowledge on earth, then how can you know what you don’t know? Since the urge to know is always peculiar to humans:-
1) Seek Divine Help
Since God is the giver of wisdom and knowledge, seek for his help through decent prayer and He will surely help you to know what you don’t know.
2) Always know that you don’t know
People tend to pretend even to themselves knowing what they don’t know. These by so doing never encourages them to seek for any knowledge. But when you know that you don’t know that thing that you are trying to know, you think on how to know and before you realize, you have known!

Work tirelessly:-
You need to work courageously across knowing the unknown for determination without hard work are mere thoughts unless degenerate into hard work before your unknown can be known.

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing and also knowing that you know something. That makes you the smartest of all!


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