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When you look yourself and compare yourself with other people, you find out that you are distinct. Even if someone and you looks alike too, your thoughts can never be alike and that again proves above any reasonable doubt that you are specially made.
The same applies to all living creatures of the earth. Everybody is distinct and made for different purposes since their thoughts are different too.
Your purpose for life can be limited when you limit yourself. If doesn’t mean taking adequate utilization of opportunities but also relates to uneven usage of your distinctive thought.
Your thought have a long way to go in the determination of your destiny since it leads to the purposes and these purposes goes a long way to your daily actions. These actions again forms your habits which people recognize. Your habits again forms your character and these character fixes your destiny.
Haven known that your thoughts leads to your destiny, you then need t think positive always because positive thinking always bears edible ideas which can nourish your future to be brighter.So believe you are made for a purpose with your specially designed thought which should be positive and you will have enough of it in future.
You are the most precious gift given to mankind. Take a step to verify. Limitations comes when you limit yourself.


In life, difficulties have always been peculiar. It ranges from financial, incapability, physical difficulties, that of education, language, that of socialization, and so on.
These difficulties which is distributed among all the inhabitants of earth, not withstanding can make you feel so bad and also makes you feel like been rude to others who are better of in areas that you are finding difficult.
Moreso, you will always find out that people who are better of in the areas you are finding difficult always use if as an opportunity to throw insults on you in other to make your bad feelings more severe.
These inturn makes you wish you were just like them. But in most cases you find it difficult especially when you are physically challenged like been crippled, blind, lame, or even when you look shabby.
Well in everything, just give Jehovah God the glory for giving us life these will play a vital role in making you feel less concerned about what people say about you.
These is because when you have hope of living a life that Jesus Christ has promised, a life filled with joy, a life that is of contrast to that we are living now, physical problems by so dong will realize you are difficult.
The same thing applies to other problems like social, mental, education, financial problems and so on.
In combating it, you have to take it like a challenge, be courageous, stand like a rock, be hard working and difficulties will realize you fully difficult.
As for social problems, don’t be shy, speak up and when you blunder cover it up with smile, don’t brag around, make contributions in discussion for only a shy person that remains a good listener.
As for educational problems, read harder for it helps to broaden your brain capacity and where you don’t understand don’t be ashamed asking even a little friend that knows better because no knowledge is a lost.
Applying these principles, difficulties in life will indeed realize you are difficult to contend with.


In life, difficulties have always been peculiar. It ranges from financial, incapability, physical difficulties, that of education, language, that of socialization, and so on.
These difficulties which is distributed among all the inhabitants of earth, not withstanding can make you feel so bad and also makes you feel like been rude to others who are better of in areas that you are finding difficult.
Moreso, you will always find out that people who are better of in the areas you are finding difficult always use if as an opportunity to throw insults on you in other to make your bad feelings more severe.
These inturn makes you wish you were just like them. But in most cases you find it difficult especially when you are physically challenged like been crippled, blind, lame, or even when you look shabby.
Well in everything, just give Jehovah God the glory for giving us life these will play a vital role in making you feel less concerned about what people say about you.
These is because when you have hope of living a life that Jesus Christ has promised, a life filled with joy, a life that is of contrast to that we are living now, physical problems by so dong will realize you are difficult.
The same thing applies to other problems like social, mental, education, financial problems and so on.
In combating it, you have to take it like a challenge, be courageous, stand like a rock, be hard working and difficulties will realize you fully difficult.
As for social problems, don’t be shy, speak up and when you blunder cover it up with smile, don’t brag around, make contributions in discussion for only a shy person that remains a good listener.
As for educational problems, read harder for it helps to broaden your brain capacity and where you don’t understand don’t be ashamed asking even a little friend that knows better because no knowledge is a lost.
Applying these principles, difficulties in life will indeed realize you are difficult to contend with.


Living positive have always been a very tedious aspect of life but its just simple. In many situations whereby you are called upon to prove your positivity but falls prey, because we are living in a negative world and we will always be negative.
Our thoughts which goes a long way to our destiny needs to be positive in order to make you have a bright future. These future will be filled with success, happiness which you, your family, and the positive society will appreciate.
Thinking positive does not eventually means that negative thoughts won’t come into your mine. It thereby means identifying negative thoughts and think of how you can make it positive.
Thereby, you can identify positive things to be those things that you know that is right. These thing is something either you, your family, your relative, your immediate society or Jehovah God prefers to be right.
Anything contrary to that, even you yourself, will realize to be wrong but still go into it. Though you might benefit from carrying our negative ambitions brought about from negative thoughts, in most cases, you are ruined and even denied of your cordial relationship with Jehovah God.
Thinking and doing what is right which also brings about some difficulties in most cases which makes people to find it difficult to contend with, but brings joy and rest of mind when triumphed over.
Therefore, haven known that doing what is right pays better than the contrary, you have to think positive, do positive and where you find difficulties, ask for divine strength and help so that you might easily prevail over any difficulties that these negative world might have brought to you in cause of proving your positivity.


All impossible things in life is made possible with determination. Determination is present in all endeavors of life like in education, where the most tedious assignment is solved, also in politics where a desired political seat can be attained just with these determination too, etc.
Determination also applies in success achievement. in acquiring success in life, you must always pass through some discouraging aspects of life and if not combated with your determination to succeed, will lead you not acquiring the success you desire.
These discouraging aspects of life include:
1) financial incapability to send you to better schools popular in some west African countries and also, Asia.
2) Physical problems e.g. poor sight, hearing, etc.
3) Inadequate assimilation capability of things studied, and so on.
These problems tends to weaken your zeal to successful and by so doing tarnishes your success and in turn worsen your problems.
But when you are determined to acquire success, no matter what the problem is, you will always get it by striving harder and when it seems so tough, seek for divine help through decent prayer, and I promise, Jehovah God will always help you out.
Just like the slogan, “determination leads to success”, the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination! Think about it.


Education which is a life time process always makes you try to know the unknown. All humans are either deficient in one area of life to another which involves education and knowledge. Therefore, no human creature can boost knowing everything in life unless Jehovah God the creator of the universe.
Then if that is the case that no human is well equipped with all the knowledge on earth, then how can you know what you don’t know? Since the urge to know is always peculiar to humans:-
1) Seek Divine Help
Since God is the giver of wisdom and knowledge, seek for his help through decent prayer and He will surely help you to know what you don’t know.
2) Always know that you don’t know
People tend to pretend even to themselves knowing what they don’t know. These by so doing never encourages them to seek for any knowledge. But when you know that you don’t know that thing that you are trying to know, you think on how to know and before you realize, you have known!

Work tirelessly:-
You need to work courageously across knowing the unknown for determination without hard work are mere thoughts unless degenerate into hard work before your unknown can be known.

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing and also knowing that you know something. That makes you the smartest of all!